digging in

October 5, 2008 at 6:20 am (poetry) ()


this is the reality of my thorn;

raging torrents of the mind.

Lord you came to set the captives free.

am i not a prisoner shackled within my mind?

this is where faith gets tested and hope digs in.



it is here in the darkness that Scripture lights the way.

it is trusting that the One who carried me this far

is sure to stay


i find rest in Your presence and peace in Your Word.

even in the darkest pit I will not be overcome.




colleen errickson ©2008

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Stop the Dance

October 5, 2008 at 6:01 am (poetry) ()


moods shift,

swaying to their own beat

like some kind of mental dance.


a waltz becomes a tango

then slips into a quick step.

Just beware of the break dance.


chaos comes when the beats collide.

anger mixed with sadness,

raging thoughts with depression.

daylight brings sleep,

nightfall is energized.


will there ever be a time

to step off the dance floor?


colleen errickson ©2008


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Hello world!

June 10, 2007 at 2:39 am (soul pondering)


Welcome to my world…just some random thoughts put down for all to see.

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